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CellPly announces acceptance of one abstract at the CICON23 conference


CellPly announces acceptance of one abstract at the CICON23 conference

Conference: Translating Science into Survival

CellPly, the pioneer in multiparametric single-cell analysis and automated potency testing for cell therapy, today announced that it will present data in a poster presentation at the Seventh International Cancer Immunotherapy Conference: Translating Science into Survival, being held in Milan, Italy, on Sep. 20-23, 2023.

The data reported in this abstract, generated within a scientific collaboration with the team of Dr. Richard Harbottle at the DKFZ institute, Heidelberg, Germany, show the characterization of TCR-T cells engineered from Dr. Harbottle’s team through the VivaCyte® technology for the analysis of cell function at the single-cell resolution developed at Cellply. Thanks to a novel single-cell serial killing assay, researchers were able to demonstrate that T cells engineered with a non-viral DNA nanovector acquire the capacity to exert their cytotoxic function multiple times before their exhaustion, leading to an increase in T cell potency.

Abstract number: P528
Session: POSTER SESSION A – EVEN NUMBERS Thursday, Sept. 21


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